• Strada del Recioto, 27 Negrar di Valpolicella (VR) 37024 Italia
Extended informative note about the use of cookies

The use of cookies

This “website” utilizes cookies to make its services simple and efficient for the user who visualises the pages.

The users who visualise the website will see minimum quantities of information entered in small text files called cookies in their devices being used, whether a PC or a mobile phone that are saved in the directories utilised by the web browser of the user.

Disenabling certain cookies could make our services not function correctly and some pages may not be visualised correctly.

There are various types of cookies, some of which makes the use of our website more efficient and others that enable certain functions.

Analysing them in detail, our cookies permit:

  • Memorising the preferences entered
  • Avoiding the entering of the same information more than once during the visit; for example: user name and password
  • Analysing the utilisation of the services and contents supplied to optimise the navigational experience and the services offered

Types of cookies utilised

The following are the various types of cookies utilised based on the purpose of the user

Technical cookies

This type of cookie is only necessary for the correct functioning of certain sections of the website. There are two categories of cookies here: persistent cookies and session cookies:

  • Persistent cookies: these cookies are not destroyed once the browser has closed but remain until a certain preset expiry date
  • Session cookies: these cookies are destroyed each time that the browser is closed

These cookies, always sent from our dominion, are necessary to correctly visualise the website and in relation to the technical services offered and are therefore always sent and utilised, unless the user modifies the settings in his/her browser (therefore invalidating the visualisation of the website pages).

Analytical cookies

The cookies in this category are utilised for collecting information about the use of the website. This information is utilised for anonymous statistical analysis for the purpose of improving the utilisation of the website and to make the contents more interesting and relevant to the requirements of the user. This type of cookie collects data anonymously about the activity of the user and about how he arrived at the website. The analytical cookies are sent to the same website or third parties.

Analysis cookies of third party services

These cookies are utilised for the purpose of collecting informationanonymously for the purpose of marketing campaigns, about the use of the website by users; such as the pages visited, the time duration of the visit, the origins of the incoming traffic, the geographical source, age, type and interests. These cookies are sent to third party dominions that are external of the website; in our case, to Google Analytics.

Cookies for integrating products and functions of third party software

This type of cookie integrates functionality developed by third parties within the pages of the website, such as the icons and the preferences expressed in the social networks with the purpose of sharing the contents of the website or for the use of third party software services (such as the software to generate maps and other software that offer added services). These cookies are sent to third party dominions and to partner sites that offer the functionalities amongst the pages of the website.

Cookies for user profiling

These cookies are necessary to create user profiles for the purpose of sending advertising messages online with the preferences outlined by the user inside the pages of the website..

User profiling cookies are not utilised on our website.

In accordance with the norms in force, the website does require consensus to use technical cookies, inasmuch that they are necessary to supply the required services.

For all other types of cookies, consensus can be expressed by the user in one or more of the following modes:

  • Via specific configuration of the browser utilised or the relative computer programmes utilised to navigate the pages that the website is composed of.
  • Via modification of the settings in the use of third party services

Both these solutions could stop the user to utilise or visualise parts of the website.

Websites and third party services

The website could contain connections to other websites that have their own informative notes about privacy that could be different from those adopted by the SEO positioning technique and therefore do not respond to these websites.

Cookies utilised by the website


Type of cookie Use description Data collected Policy Link and Place of treatment
Contact Form The user agrees to the utilisation of data entered into the contact form for the purpose of responding to the requests of quotations, information or any other reason (indicated in the title of the form). Name, e-mail and telephone number Data not stored
Mozcast of Moz The Mozcast service is necessary for the plug-in dedicated to the analysis of the modifications of the Google algorithm. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy Policy
I like key and third party services of Facebook, Inc. The “I like” key and Facebook services are necessary for the interaction with the Facebook social network and are supplied by Facebook, Inc. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy PolicyMaggiori informazioni
The Tweetkey and third party services ofTwitter, Inc. The “Tweet” key and correlated services are necessary for the interaction with the Twitter social network and are supplied by Twitter, Inc.. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy PolicyMaggiori informazioni
TheGoogle+ key and third party services ofGoogle Inc. The “+1″ key and correlated services are necessary for the interaction with the Google Plus social network and are supplied by Google, Inc.. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy PolicyOpt in
Youtube and third party services of Google Inc. Youtube is a social network dedicated to the visualisation of video content and is managed by Google Inc., with the possibility of integrating the contents inside one’s own pages. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy PolicyOpt in
Vimeo of Vimeo, LLC Vimeo is a social network dedicated to the visualisation of video content and is managed by Vimeo, LLC, with the possibility of integrating the contents inside one’s own pages. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy Policy
Analysis of the accesses of Google Analytics and third party services ofGoogle Inc. The accesses and interactions of the user on this website are analysed by the Google Analytics service managed by Google, Inc. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy PolicyOpt in
Google Fontsservice of Google Inc. Google Fonts is a service that groups together and visualises personalised character styles that is managed by Google Inc. Cookies and utilisation data USA –Privacy PolicyOpt in

How to disenable cookies using the configuration of the browser

This page is visible via the footnote link in all pages of the website, in accordance with art. 122, second paragraph of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 and following the simplified modalities for the informative note and the acquisition of the consensus for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette nr. 126 dated 3rd June 2014 and the relative register of provisions nr. 229 dated 8th May 2014.